What is Myofascial Release?

Fascia, an intricate and multidimensional network, envelops every bone, muscle, nerve, organ, and vessel down to the cellular level, spanning from head to foot. Its constituents include the pliant elastin, robust collagen, and fluid ground substance. Restrictions may develop in fascia due to trauma, poor posture, or repetitive training, leading to an array of maladies such as pain, edema, misalignments, disrupted muscular biomechanics, limited range of motion, cranio/sacral restrictions, emotional blockages, reduced strength, and debilitation. Fascia can also lose its suppleness, collagen can become fibrotic and rigid, and the ground substance can solidify. Unfortunately, standard tests prove inadequate in detecting fascial restrictions.

Enter the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach® (MFR), a comprehensive, hands-on, therapeutic technique that addresses the fascial system. Therapists utilize MFR to elongate fascial tissue through gentle pressure applied to the restriction or tissue barrier. By releasing several barriers, the tissue becomes pliant and soft. This technique targets the fascial system's elastin, collagen, and ground substance with finesse, allowing for the release of soft tissue restrictions that may affect bony alignment. MFR also performs osseous releases at a gradual pace and without manipulation. Unlike massage or chiropractic manipulation, MFR focuses on the fascial system's comprehensive treatment, freeing restrictions from pain-sensitive areas, restoring motion and bringing connection back to the body-mind.

Who are we?

We are Callie and Erin Gray, two sisters from Simi Valley, California who share a passion for helping people and their furry friends. Certified massage and MFR therapists, having received our training under the world-renowned John F. Barnes in Myofascial Release®, we are trained to work on both people and horses.

Our goal is to address real problems and help people live their best lives, free from pain and discomfort. We strongly believe that Myofascial Release® is a powerful technique for healing, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality care.

Outside of our work, we are avid cat lovers and enjoy spending time with our feline companions. We believe that pets are an important part of our lives and can provide a great deal of comfort and joy.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.

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